Unity 3D Concepts

n Assets  - building blocks of all Unity projects - graphics (textures),  models, sound files. The files you use to create the scenario are stored in a folder called Assets

n Scenes - scenes are individual levels, areas of game content. Scenes can be loaded on demand.

n Game Objects - assets used in the scene become GameObjects (script name) All GameObjects have at least one component - the Transform component.

n Components - come in various forms. Attach components to and object to add parts of the game engine to the the component e.g a physics component, or  a script component.

n Scripts - components used to add, extend or modify behavior of game objects. Unity uses a Behavior class to facilitate the use of custom behaviours

n Prefabs - prefabricated game objects with stored associated components and configuration. Prefabs allow functional game objects to be reused in scenes (spawned) or imported into other projects as external assets. The First Person Controller is an example of a Prefab